The majority are wrong…………


I’ve worked in the fitness industry a long time, I’ve clocked over 17 years of experience & over the last few years I’ve seen a HUGE shift in the state of things…..

The internet, Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram are all FULL of gyms & personal trainers all promising you the answers to your goals.

The fitness industry is truly MASSIVE now, with more gyms, more trainers, more internet gurus, more nutritionists, more ‘diet’ plans, more of everything…however despite all of this, the industry is FAILING…….


People in this country are sicker then ever before, obesity rates are higher than ever, and the total amount of the UK population who are members of gyms clocks in at only 13%……

My advice to you is to NOT do what the majority are doing, because the majority are WRONG…

From my experience, here is my advice on what I think you should avoid:

>Any program that gets you ‘shredded or blitzed’ in a definite amount of time, but leaves you going STRAIGHT back to your old ways & habits….often feeling even worse about yourself.

>Ladies –please avoid ANY program/routine that uses the word ‘skinny’ in a complimentary manner.

>Any program/routine where you are NOT encouraged/motivated to change ANY part of your eating patterns/habits, unless of course your habits are already perfect?

>Any program that SOLELY focuses on total body weight ONLY. This is a factor but is not the ONLY factor when getting in shape, composition is the key.

>A system that replaces food with liquid (shakes)…. Post workout shakes are an exception for some people in a supplementary manner, but replacing actual meals with shakes does NOTHING to change your relationship with food.

>Unless you are actually stepping on a competitive bodybuilding stage, the need to eat like you are isn’t necessary, so any program that encourages you to live SOLELY off chicken & broccoli multiple times EVERY DAY should BE avoided……

>ANYTHING that claims the answer is in a PILL!!

>Any trainer that CONTINUALLY boasts about their clients being sick through training!

I could honestly rant all day about this; it’s very close to my heart.

I’m passionate about this because I’ve seen good people with great intentions make bad decisions & choices due to false hope. This leaves them feeling even more fed up, angry, and depressed……….

…………Please don’t be one of these people.

……….take the time to research what is right for YOU…

YOU are individual and your routine/program should reflect YOUR needs…

You need a realistic program that YOU can stick to…

It’s confusing; I get it, that’s why I’m here to help……

You are not supposed to know the answers; you just need to ask the right questions to the right people……

That’s all for today, until the next time,

Tristan ‘turned into a bit of a rant’ Buttle.

P.S – nothing today, I’ve ranted enough!

If you play by the same hand……..


If you play by the same hand, how will you find something new?

Now I’m the first to admit, change can be very off putting.

I often cite 2014 as a year when my life was nothing but change, & it was very tough at times.

During that time I lost focus, lost direction, questioned myself, even partly lost sight of who I am along the way…

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Have you ever felt like this?

………when you KNOW that you can’t keep doing the same thing and you HAVE to change?

BUT the change is scary isn’t it?

It can be hard to embrace the new… I get it.

I can throw a million clichés at you; I can tell you that it gets easier with time or that you will adjust, etc. etc.…..

We’ve all seen the countless motivational quotes plastered all over Facebook & Instagram…..

> They are all well & good, but do they actually have an impact?

> Do they actually help you?

What I invite you to do is focus on what is wrong right now….now focus on the pain of remaining the same…..

> If you DON’T change, what will happen?

> Where will your current pathways lead you?

Rather than just ‘thinking positively’, consider the consequences of NOT changing….

Only when the pain of remaining the same far outweighs the pain of change can we can start to move forward and embrace the change……..

That’s all for today, until the next time,

Tristan ‘SOOOOOOOOOOOO much happier now’ Buttle.

P.S –Trust me when I say you CAN make change, & you CAN move forward……..and that I will help you as much I can…your current situation doesn’t have to be your story.

P.P.S – Sorry I haven’t been in touch as much recently, you’ll be hearing from me again soon.

A quick lesson from the Liam Gallagher haters……


A quick lesson from the Liam Gallagher haters…………
Liam Gallagher has been in the press this week and all over social media….

Liam was in attendance at the premiere of the oasis documentary ‘supersonic’ which charts the rise of the band from playing at local pubs to 2 or 3 people, to selling out knebworth hall to an audience of over 250,000 people over a two night event, all of which was achieved in under 3 years……

The announcement of Liam’s attendance and the absence of his brother Noel, caused obvious controversy……

All of which was soaked up by the press who were all capitalising on Liam ‘being Liam’….

However none of this was going to stop good old Gallagher junior and he addressed the press & interviewers in his typical manner and proceeded to do what he does……………..

Social media had a ball with his interviews….

The response and reaction of most opinions & comments I noted were pretty negative….

>’he’s so arrogant’.

>’he thinks he’s god’.

>’he’s a has been’.



I’m only quoting the polite stuff………..

Now, this isn’t about my personal feelings towards Liam or his music, I merely want to ask these people:


He has a VERY longstanding history of notorious, erratic, uncompromising, & controversial behaviour…this is the guy who has compared himself to figures such as Elvis & John Lennon….alongside often describing his own performances as ‘godlike’ or ‘biblical’…….

He simply is who he is, rightly or wrongly………….

I personally wouldn’t sit & watch or read ANY interview with any artist who I didn’t like!

Relating this to you & your goals, this is the equivalent to knowing you hate dancing, particularly Latin style dancing, and attending a Zumba class!! Then upon doing so, proceeding to tell everyone how much you hate Latin dancing…………

or hating cycling and attending a spin class!

You are never going to like it, and that’s ok, just don’t let it fuel your negativity, don’t let it take over.

We are all entitled to our opinions, I have an opinion on everything, but just don’t let it eat away at you.

Don’t waste your precious time on hating anything. I know first hand this can be far easier said than done, one thing I’m telling myself more often is:

‘If you don’t like something, change the channel.’

YOU need to decide what channel is right for YOU.

Until the next time,

Tristan ‘im feeling supersonic’ Buttle.

p.s -what’s your fav oasis tune?
Copyright © 2014 Tristan Buttle Personal Trainer. All rights reserved.

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Does your ‘diet start again tomorrow’?


Does your ‘diet start again tomorrow’?

In your mind, have you been ‘bad’ or ‘fallen off the wagon’ this weekend?

Starting tomorrow, is this week going to be different?

> What changes are you going to make?

> Most importantly, what changes are you going to be able to stick to?

How is this week going to be TRULY different to any other week?

What action can you take to put yourself one step closer to achieving your goals?

Consider this, what is greater?

The pain of change?
The pain of remaining the same?

What will happen if you don’t change?

Why not make this week truly different?

Trust me when I say you CAN change.

That’s all for today, until the next time.

Tristan ‘believe in yourself’ Buttle.

P.S – doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will…………………


Do YOU need to change?


If you are truly happy & content with your current situation and your current reality in all areas of your life, then the answer is probably no, and you can stop reading now.

However, if you are honest with yourself and you feel you need to embrace change, then please read on………

We often KNOW that we NEED to change, but we fail to apply what is necessary to get where we want to be….

Very often change will only happen if the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of the change…

↑↑↑↑ read that again.

Here’s what I want you to do, and it’s very important that you are honest with yourself, I want you to answer the following questions & apply them to your goals.

It doesn’t have to just be health & fitness related. This applies to all areas of life, whether its in business or in relationships, the questions remain the same………………

>What is your current reality?

>Why has this happened?

>What will happen if you don’t change?

>What do you TRULY want?

>Why do you want it?

>What needs to be done?

>What have you learnt from these questions?

If you have answered those questions honestly with yourself, you should now have a clear understanding of your current reality.

You cannot move forward without understanding where you are starting from.

I genuinely hope this helps you to understand yourself and what you truly want.

That’s all for today, I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes:

‘If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got’.

Until the next time,

Tristan ‘questions’ Buttle.

P.S – would you keep driving down a dead end, in the hope that one day it wasn’t a dead end?

P.P.S – Give me a shout if you need some honest advice, change doesn’t have to be as painful as you may think.

Have you moved today?


When it comes to fat loss, most people consider that they need to exercise and look at making dietary changes, but few look at their true overall activity levels………..

Today I want to talk to you about N.E.A.T…….

N.E.A.T stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis….

Sounds fancy doesn’t it?

This is a flashy way of describing & grouping all the energy that you expend for everything you do throughout the day, excluding training, sleeping and eating.

All other daily activities, no matter how trivial they may seem in isolation (cutting the grass, washing the car, going shopping, or playing with the kids) all add up to factor into your daily N.E.A.T

A huge influence in N.E.A.T levels are the total amount of daily steps that you perform…

These steps add up and help to play a role in overall energy expenditure which in turn can help towards your goals.

For example, a daily step count of around 5000 for a guy of my weight can result in a calorie burn of around 250kcal, this may not seem like a huge figure, but add it up over the week & you can start to see the impact.

Remember, you are the sum of what you the most of.

In simple terms, making an effort to simply move more will have a positive impact on your goals.

That’s all for today, until the next time,

Tristan ‘5000 to 10,000 a day’ Buttle.

P.S – The easiest way to track daily steps is to download the ‘Pacer’ app on your phone, all you need to do is have your phone in your pocket and let it the app do the rest for you, easy.

a quick one on training……..


In order to achieve your health and fitness goals, you simply MUST train!

When it comes to training, rarely does one size fit all, and if you were to ask 10 people (who have got results) what they do, you may get 10 different answers…

How I train is specific to ME, how YOU train needs to be specific to YOU.

Training age/experience, injuries & limitations, personal likes & dislikes, frequency & time are just some of the factors that need to be considered when looking at what is the best approach for you to take.

There is no such thing as the ‘best exercise’, only the best exercise for you.

However, I do believe there are two factors that apply to ALL forms of training:

1) You must train with relative intensity.

Training ‘hard’ is all relative, but remember that training needs to place a stress on your body for it to change. Training NEEDS to be intense, otherwise we would all get in shape from simply going shopping or cutting the grass.

How do you know if you are training hard?

Ask yourself this:

When did you last truly step out of your comfort zone in the gym?

Or imagine this:

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1= laid on the sofa doing nothing, and 10=being sick out of your eyeballs (not literally ha) where would you currently place your sessions?

2) You must train progressively.

Put in very simple terms, you need to beat or improve what you do every time you train.

No matter what style of training you adopt, you need to log your workouts and come into the gym with a clear plan of action.

You need to log all reps and all weight lifted and create targets.

Your body will adapt very quickly to the stress of exercise, therefore progression is an essential factor in helping to ensure that your training continues to provide the correct stimulus for change.

Chances are you do this in all other areas of your life: for example, your relationships and work life both progress, this what keeps things moving forwards, this is how we grow and develop.

Please note that both of the factors above have nothing to do with age or the ‘amount’ an individual may currently be lifting.

e.g. – Lets say I’m lifting 100 kg on an exercise, but I’ve been doing so for the last 2 months, I haven’t increased in either weight or reps performed….

…..and Mrs Smith was lifting 3kg 2 months ago and is now lifting 6kg, then Mrs. Smith has progressed more than I have.

Where you start is irrelevant, intensity and progression is relative to you and your goals….

That’s all for today, until the next time, keep moving forward

Tristan ‘log book’ Buttle.

P.S – Adding weight to an exercise or increasing reps should NEVER be done at the expense of poor form!

P.P.S – If your performance isn’t progressing then you need to ask yourself why?

P.P.P.S – Give me a shout if I can help you out with any of the above.

What can you do today?


What can you do today?

I am going to get straight to the point today, because I want to keep this quick and I know you are busy…..

I want you to ask yourself what you can do today to bring yourself just one small step closer to your goals.

Not tomorrow…

Not Monday….

Not next month…


One small action.

It could be:

>One less biscuit with your tea?

>Skipping the late night ‘no one is looking’ fridge raid?

>One less sugar in your coffee?

>Getting to bed 30 mins earlier than usual?

>Planning your meals for tomorrow?

>Planning your training schedule for the next 3 days?

>Setting your alarm to get up 20 mins earlier, so you CAN allow for a sensible breakfast.

>Scheduling some quality time with your friends/family.

Anything that will help you help yourself…..

What’s the smallest change that would have the biggest impact for you?

That’s all for today, speak soon.

Until the next time,

Tristan ‘changes’ Buttle.

P.S- remember that even the largest of walls are built one brick at a time…………
Copyright © 2014 Tristan Buttle Personal Trainer. All rights reserved.


The 4 essentials to fat loss: Number 1………


We live in a world of information overload, & the birth of social media has provided many individuals and self-proclaimed ‘experts’ or ‘gurus’ with a voice…

Often, these voices tell you that they have THE answer, and that they have THE secret, and that ultimately, their way is THE way.

When it comes to fat loss & getting in shape, there are many ways to train and many ways to set up a nutritional plan….

…..however what works for someone else is not guaranteed to work for you.

The work that is required to achieve any goal is always obviously dependent on the specifics of the goal in question, that been said, I believe there are 4 basic areas that apply to ANY fat loss related goal…..

Today, we are just going to look at number 1, I’ll be in touch over the next few days with the rest…

1) Eating and understanding calories:

Nutrition is a MASSIVE topic and probably THE most confusing area of fat loss.

>However, in simple terms, fat loss ultimately comes to down to creating a calorie deficit.

This is ESSENTIAL, please don’t let anybody tell you calories don’t count. Too much of ANY food can result in weight gain.

A deficit can be achieved in a variety of methods and no one approach suits everyone.

What I will say is that when it comes to a creating a calorie deficit consider the following:

>What is the highest (not lowest) number of calories you can consume to achieve your goals? This will prevent you from starving yourself, setting unsustainable targets and stop you from burning out and giving up on your goals… remember that by definition, calories are a unit of ENERGY.

>The biggest influencing factor on fat loss is the TOTAL amount of calories you consume on a continual basis, not the time of day that you consume your calories.

Eg: let’s say you need to eat 2500kcal, but you have a busy day and it gets to 9pm but you still have 500kcal left to consume, then eat!!

It is the total figure that you hit by the end of the day that counts.

Start with the basics first, if you reading this and you are struggling with losing body fat, I suggest you start by logging your daily food intake.

You can easily do this by downloading the myfitnesspal app on your phone.

Its free, its simple and very user friendly.

Don’t worry about the targets the app sets you with, just use it as a log, this will help you to assess exactly where you are at with your intake.

It will also educate you on the true calorie content of certain food choices!

I’m not saying that you need to log everything, every day for the rest of your life, but if what you are doing isn’t working, then perhaps it’s time to try something new?

That’s all for today, if you get stuck with anything, then give me shout,

Tristan ‘calories DO count’ Buttle

Ps – part 2 with you tomorrow, if you are lucky!

Lessons from David Brent……..


Lessons from David Brent…………

I had a man date last night with one of my best mates and we went to see the new Ricky Gervais movie ‘David Brent: Life on the road’.

I was always a huge fan of ‘The Office’ and it was great to see Brent up on the big screen.

I won’t drop any spoilers, but the plot is fairly simple:

David Brent has always had a dream of being a successful & famous rockstar, he was in a band ‘Forgone conclusion’ during his younger years and this movie follows his final attempt at resurrecting his rock star career……

So Brent plans & embarks on a tour (well playing at 8 local pubs) & we learn he has had to hire session musicians as the original band have all grown up and moved on……

He funds the ‘tour’ by cashing in his pensions and using his credit card aka ‘his flexible friend’ as he calls it…

The tour runs at a continual loss and Brent’s spending continues to escalate……..

He pays for a HUGE tour bus, along with hotels for not only himself but the rest of the band, and due to poor attendance at his gigs, he even lets people in for free.

He then turns to hiring a PR agent, pays for photography sessions, and the spending goes on and on….

He is passionate about his goal, but he is oblivious as to why some things are clearly not working.

His answer when something isn’t working is to simply throw more money at it…
I see people fall into this trap with their own health and fitness goals:

>Investing in the latest gadget or ‘revolutionary’ technology…

>Buying THE most expensive gym gear or trainers (and not using them)…

>Investing in home gym equipment (and hanging clothes on it in the garage).

>Buying into the latest (often really expensive) fat loss miracle potion/pill/powder.

>Following the latest ‘diet’ fad or plan and buying all the (often really expensive) required products to supplement it.

>Continually swapping gyms and not creating any habits.

>Hiring a trainer but not doing any of the basics outside of the training.

If what you are doing isn’t working, I encourage you to simply ask yourself why?
What is the TRUE reason as to why to your progress has stalled?

All it takes is for you to be honest, open and reflective enough with yourself for you to realise where you are truly going wrong.

There is no match for consistent and progressive training coupled with a realistic approach to your nutritional habits.

Look at nailing the basics first before investing of your hard earned cash into something that you may not get the true benefit of.

That’s all for today, until the next time

Tristan ‘I’m a friend first and a boss second, and probably an entertainer third’ Buttle.

p.s –