I’m not going to tell you………………………


……….that you will LOVE exercise……….

I’m not going to tell you……………that you will LOVE lifting……..

I’m not going to tell you……………that you will love feeling breathless, with your heart pounding out of your chest………..

So why on earth would you choose to do it?!

Why would you put yourself through this discomfort, or perhaps at certain times, even pain?

Simple, because I can guarantee how you will feel AFTERWARDS:

Think about, when have you ever regretted going to the gym?

You should never regret a workout, ever……

You don’t need to do exercise for the love of exercise (if you do, that’s totally cool by the way), but consider how you it makes you feel AFTER you leave the gym or the studio:

>Do you feel more confident?

>Do you feel empowered?

>Are you proud of yourself?

>Is your day more productive?

>Are you more creative?

>Are your personal relationships better or worse?

Every single we have the opportunity to improve, to move forward…….




It’s not down to anyone else to make this choice for you….

Not your partner, your circumstances, your situation, your kids, it is YOU.

You have the power; you can take control of your situation.

You are stronger than you think,

Until the next time,

Tristan ‘sanity over vanity’ Buttle.

P.S – there’s nothing wrong with picking a mode of training you enjoy, such as a group exercise class, the best routine for YOU is one that YOU can stick to.

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